Writing: Rhetoric(s) of Sound(s) || Course Website
Writing for Digital Environments || Course website
Writing Program Issues || Course Website
Rhetoric and Fake News || Course Tumblr
Writing for the Web: Digital Rhetoric || Course Website
Composition III: Rhetorical Argument || Course Website
Methods for Rhetoric + Composition || Graduate Course || Course Website
Digital Storytelling || Course Syllabus
Students explore the contemporary craft of digital storytelling, considering how this enduring practice has evolved and changed with the affordances of digital media. We take up both the theory and practice of digital storytelling through reading, listening, watching, discussing, and producing. Using text, audio, visual, and video in concert with thorough research and narrative composition, this course will introduce students to and provide repeated practice in using digital media for composing compelling digital stories. In the process, we will consider the questions: What are stories for? Whose stories get told and whose don't? What kinds of cultural work can they do? Do we need multiple stories? Multiple accounts of the same story? Whose responsibility is it to tell and capture stories? And how do different media shape these stories?
Writing for the Web: Rhetorical Publics || Course Website
This course provides an undergraduate-level introduction to both the theory and practice of writing for the web. Students explore the complex theory around "digital rhetoric," analyze how digital texts are newly persuasive by looking closely at interfaces, video texts, social media, sonic elements, and their affects and rhetoric. Though no previous experience is necessary, students are expected to learn basic mark-up languages and become capable producers of their own digital texts. Through theoretical discussions, collaboration, and hands-on experimentation, students will become critical users and makers of digital media and texts.
Composing Digital Media: The Art of Missing Information || University of Pittsburgh | Course Website
Through the practice of digital production, this class explores the idea of the missing photograph:the picture that was not taken, the story never recorded, the history failed. These are the moments of capture that could not or did not happen. Sometimes these moments are unrepresentable. Yet the reasons behind missing photos, documents, and stories are complex and various. This class will explore the art of missing information through our own intentional acts of composition -- our own pieces of media -- and thus work to construct new and different knowledge along the way. The act of making media is a productive act--makes. And so as we consider each of our projects in this class, we will also consider what is missing or un-documented, and how we can lend voice to the missing.
Written Professional Communication || University of Pittsburgh | Course Website
This writing-intensive course is both a practical and theoretical course, one where we create and analyze the kinds of textual and visual documents students will likely be asked to produce in their future professional lives.